What is Artesian Water?
Artesian Water is water collected from a drilled well into an aquifer. This water is confined by a layer of clay or rock, which then pressurizes the water enough to allow it to rise up through the ground without mechanical pumps.
What is Mineral Water?
Mineral water is water containing minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water.
What is TDS?
Total dissolved solids (TDS) indicate the amount of dissolved minerals and other “soluble matter” contained in one litre of water. In Australasia, only natural water with a TDS of over 250 mg/L (250 parts per million (ppm)) can be called a "mineral" water. Water with a TDS of less than 250 mg/L is usually labelled as natural spring water. European standards require a mineral content above 500 mg/L for mineral water; below 500 mg/L is considered spring water.
Bottled water containing not less than 250 parts per million total dissolved solids may be labeled as mineral water. Mineral water is distinguished from other types of bottled water by its constant level and relative proportions of mineral and trace elements at the point of emergence from the source. No minerals can be added to this product. If the total dissolved solids (TDS) content of mineral water is below 500 ppm, or it is greater than 1,500 ppm, the statement "low mineral content" or "high mineral content," respectively, must appear on the principal display panel. If the TDS of mineral water is between 500 and 1,500 ppm, no additional statements are needed. Note: this contrasts to the European definition, where all Natual Spring Waters with a TDS of 0 to 500 mg/liter are considederd Mineral with Low Mineral Content (or just mineral waters).
Note: Only water sourced from an underground, water-bearing strata (as defined in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code), with natural minerals, may be labelled as a natural mineral or spring water. No minerals may be added to the water.
What is Spring Water?
A spring is a point where water flows out of the ground.
Spring Water is water that is collected from a source underground. It is collected from a bored hole that taps the source of the spring. Although it usually requires minimal treatment before it is bottled, it must retain the same physical properties and composition as the natural spring water from which it originates.
What is Well Water?
Well Water is water that is pumped or collected using mechanical mean from a groundwater aquifer (a water-bearing rock or soil formation located underground)
What is Drinking Water?
Drinking Water is according to the FDA(Food and Drug Administration US ) water that does not have any added sweeteners or additives (other than flavors, extracts or essences). It must not contain calories and must be sugar-free. Any flavors or extracts that are added to the water must be less than 1% of the final product. If it is more than 1% then the beverage is no longer considered drinking water, but is considered a "soft drink".
What is Municipal Source Water?
Municipal Source Water is water bottled from a municipal source and must be clearly labeled. The only time this requirement is dropped is if the municipal water was used, but then treated and processes so that it can be labeled as distilled or purified.
What is Sparkling Water?
Sparkling Water is water that contains natural or added C02 in the same amount the water had when it emerged from its source.
What is Structured Micro-Cluster Waters?
Structured Micro-Cluster Waters is water that is created at the molecular level. Engineers Bill and Mike Holloway discovered Penta (tm) water during an experiment. When they were attempting to remove dissolved solids from water, they discovered that their water maintained its micro-clustered molecular state, which only happened for unsustainable period of time previously. But, their water stayed in this micro-clustered state which allows it to hydrate cells more effectively. without the need for pumping.
Water hardness is a combination of the water's Calcium and Magnesium levels. 'Hardness' = (Calcium x 2.5) + (Magnesium x 4). While many bottled waters are naturally soft, town supplies tend to be relatively hard. Hard water is the primary cause of scale. Hence, water authorities often 'soften' water supplies with the addition of Sodium (salt). Bottled waters may also sometimes be softened through the addition of Oxygen. traces. The term is usually related to hard water, which does contain significant amounts of these ions.
Hard water is the type of water that has high mineral content (in contrast with soft water). Hard water minerals primarily consist of calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) metal traces, and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates
What is the pH value of the Water?
PH indicates the water’s acidity level, and ranges from 0 - 14 with 7.0 being neutral. The standard for domestic water is 6.5 – 8.5. A pH of 7.5, which is slightly alkaline, is often considered to taste the best. However, the taste also depends on personal preference and can vary according to the water’s mineral levels.
What effect does Magnesium (Mg) have in Water?
An adult requires between 300 and 400 mg magnesium per day. Magnesium is present in almost all human cells. Magnesium activates the enzymes for producing energy, plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscular system and ensures regular contraction of muscles. It is also important for bone structure, it expands the blood vessels thus preventing the risk of heart attack. Lack of magnesium frequently leads to nervousness, lack of concentration, dizziness and headache through to migraine. An indication of magnesium deficiency when taking part in sport can be cramps in the calves.
Magnesium is essential for many metabolic processes, especially the correct distribution of sodium, potassium and calcium across the cell membranes. Most of it is stored in the bones. It is often called the anti-stress mineral as it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function. Magnesium also keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, keeps bones strong, helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It also plays a role in preventing and managing migraines, PMS, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney stones and diabetes.
What effect does Calcium (Ca) have in Water?
The average daily requirement of calcium is approximately 800 mg. Babies require less, 15- to 19-year olds require substantially more. Calcium is multi-talented: it stabilises bone structure, teeth, gums and cell membranes, it ensures transmission of impulses in the nerves and muscles, and it fulfils important functions to prevent blood clotting. Calcium has a balancing effect for numerous skin allergies. It is also important for beating of the heart, hormone release, blood clotting, energy production and proper immune system function. Requirements are greatest during periods of growth, such as childhood, during pregnancy and when breast-feeding.
If the body does not have an adequate supply of calcium there is decalcification of the bones (osteoporosis): the risk of fracture increases. Also, damage to the teeth, hair and nails often results from calcium deficiency.
What effect does Potassium (K) have in Water?
Depending on demand the daily requirement of potassium is between 2 and 4 g.
Since potassium promotes cell growth, children and young people should have an adequate intake of potassium. Potassium regulates the balance and pressure of water between the cells and ensures that the individual cells are adequately supplied with food. Potassium is of special importance for muscle contraction as well as formation and conduction of impulses of the heart and maintaining the alkalinity of body fluids. It also stimulates the kidneys to remove wastes, promotes healthy skin, helps to send oxygen to the brain for clear thinking, and helps prevent strokes.
Potassium deficiency is indicated by a weakness of the skeletal musculature and tiredness of the smooth musculature. In advanced stages it can lead to intestinal paralysis and functional disorders of the heart.
What effect does Sodium (Na) have in Water?
The average daily requirement of sodium is to a large extent dependent on the amount of excretion. With particularly severe physical stress normal daily requirement increases from approximately 3 g to 15 g and more. Sodium chloride (cooking salt) is significantly involved in regulating water balance. It always maintains the optimal pressure in body fluids (particularly in the blood serum) and thus ensures tissue tension. Sodium influences the metabolism of the heart and plays a role in co-ordination the regular contractions of the heart muscle. Under normal living conditions and eating habits, salt or sodium deficiency is scarcely possible nowadays: salt is an integral part of numerous foodstuffs, especially processed foodstuffs. Incidentally: the widely-held opinion that cooking salt contributes to high blood pressure only applies to approximately 20% of all people. The other 80% can definitely consume cooking salt - the body has regulation mechanisms to control the cooking salt content. Frequently, the real cause of high blood pressure is being overweight or too much stress. Additionally, a pinch of salt on your egg in the morning contains more sodium chloride than the amount you get by drinking your daily recommended amount.
Sodium is an essential mineral which along with potassium helps to regulate the body's water balance and blood pressure. It is important for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, and maintaining blood pH. A proper balance of potassium and sodium is necessary for good health. Diuretics, often taken for high blood pressure and by the elderly, can cause sodium deficiency. However, most people consume too much sodium in their diet, and typically require more potassium to avoid an imbalance.
What effect does Chlorine (Cl) have in Water?
Chlorine occurs naturally in the body as a chloride compound with either sodium or potassium. Our dietary supply of chloride is largely in the form of sodium chloride (NaCl), commonly known as salt. Chloride stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid required for good digestion, helps the liver to metabolise wastes, and regulates the body's acid-alkaline and fluid balance. Chlorine can also be added to the water supply to destroy bacteria.
What Effects do Trace Elements have in Water?
In addition to mineral substances there are many other trace elements which our body needs, such as iron, iodine, copper, fluoride or zinc. The recommended daily intake of trace elements is sometimes fractions of a milligram, sometimes a few milligram, depending on mineral substance. All trace elements carry out important tasks. Thus, iron is an integral component of the red blood colouring haemoglobin and is thus involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood. Iodine is involved in the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxine. Copper plays an important role in the human immune system. A deficiency of trace elements can impair our health. On the other hand, an overdose can lead to toxic conditions under some circumstances. Mineral water contributes to a healthy diet as a result of its balanced concentration of important trace elements.
Carbonated Water
Bicarbonate, or hydrogencarbonate(HCO3), stimulates digestion and helps to maintain acid balance in the stomach and the body's overall pH.